Everyone can agree that technology has made life easier and, in many cases, safer. People all over the world tend to race toward the newest technology, such as the latest iPhone, or the most recent Virtual Assistant, such as the Amazon Echo. In some cases, newly offered features on some of these devices are so minimal they hardly warrant a new product release. Yet, people still line up to be the first to purchase them. This technomania is rarely concerning because it doesn’t affect the masses. Any decision to purchase these technologies is a personal one.
But what if retailers are too quick to adopt a technological solution that they feel will positively impact their business? Worse yet – what if Loss Prevention (LP) executives unwittingly purchase a technological solution that either doesn’t work as intended or puts their respective organizations in a liability situation?
Anyone who thinks this is a far-fetched scenario should rethink their position. Here are three technological solutions retailers have implemented that can have disastrous results.